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The Shame Game is Real!

I like reality shows as much as the next guy, but there has been one show in particular that I have avoided up until this point. Being involved in fitness, striving to live as healthy as possible with a terminal illness, and working in healthcare, I take every aspect of the body pretty dang seriously! It is so important for our generation to set a great example for those after us to be strong and empowered. That being my basis, I'm so sick of hearing about this "My Big Fat Fabulous Life" show on TLC. I have watched all of 1/4 of the show, that is about all I could tolerate. I've had friends tell me about the topics addressed in this show including the risk of pre-diabetes in the main character and how she doesn't take any of it seriously. Tonight I watched where Whitney was super offended when a comedian made a few fat jokes that weren't even made directly about her but to a crowd, well that's life girlfriend. Comedians make fun of skinny girls, black guys, Asian tourists, and redneck lifestyles so suck it up buttercup! That amount of sensitivity has sky-rocketed.

Do I dislike this show because it's based around an obese woman? No ma'am! I dislike it because it send a negative message coated in false positivity. Being obese is NOT healthy, never will be! There are "thicker" models out there who look gorgeous and are healthy, that is a different image altogether. You cannot live a long life with the amount of health issues that morbid obesity brings. Body shaming isn't just against someone who is heavy, it is against every single person who is targeted. I have been told to "eat a steak and mashed potatoes" and I have lost friends over it. I have goals and want to live a healthy life despite my prognosis. Giving women the motivation to feel empowered is amazing and I fully support it, I do not support someone finding fame in staying obese and being ignorant to the risks she will face sooner than later. I'm judging this particular person, I just don't love that she advertises that it's healthy to be heavy. I find this no different than the father who refuses to stop drinking heavily after his family pleads with him, no different than asking a smoker to quit. You are slowly killing yourself and being selfish because you're too lazy and refuse to step outside of your comfort zone. We've all heard the saying "if you won't do it for yourself, then do it for your loved ones".

This is a perfect time to show my current results. Recently, I pulled a muscle in my neck so I took a few weeks off to nurse the injury with my first day back being Monday. I did a moderate upper body exercise and felt a little sore after the workout but just a little tightness the next day. Yesterday, I got this workout off Pinterest and rocked my abs! Felt amazing and my post-workout photo was the best its been of my abs and upper body! My diet is healthy as usual with the weekly cheats. Last week, I cheat with cheesecake and this week I had two glasses of red wine. It's a lifestyle that you form to your own goals!
I hope no one was deeply offended by this post, it was just something I have had on my heart for a long time. Being able to live long and see those around you grow up and succeed is truly what life was made for. I have seen patients who truly regret things later in life because they were selfish and refused to hear logic until it was too late. The common "it'll never happen to me" line was here and gone, I'm walking proof! It can happen to you! I hope everyone is enjoying their hump day!! Two more and it's the weekend!


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