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The Bucket List: Bleached Version

After some thought, I have decided to do a bucket list post now and another in a year and see how things have changed. Praying that I remember to do another one in a year, I am curious to see how far I'll go and what will change or be accomplished! I love writing things down and scratching them off. It gives me a sense of satisfaction that I'm getting things done! I don't know about anyone else but I am the Queen of the Procrastinators! My beau seconds this, though I have gotten better, I'm still a work in progress. As we all are! So here goes! Lord, help me to remember them all, I'm quite ambitious with a long road ahead!

1) finish my nursing degree/get into a program (the lump these together because I feel that even though medical certifications and degrees are separated they are still working through the medical career)
2) get a job in the hospital as a floor nurse as a graduate nurse
3) work on the labor and delivery unit
4) work in the trauma/ED
5) earn my bachelor's in nursing while working
6) finally find our dream starter house that we've been searching for
7) build my savings
8) build my dream truck... Details to remain private!
9) travel! Originally, I began listing them and realized we be here til next year naming them all! Let's just say a crap load of traveling!
10) get married and have a successful partnership in Christ (this will NOT be accomplished in a year so don't start scheming now haha)
11) refresh and build my credit
12) go to the SEC championship! Whoop whoop chomp chomp!! 
13) do a girls trip to Napa Valley
14) hunt big game somewhere freezing just to say I did it!
15) build a dream house to my perfection
16) get into the CRNA program and kick booty!
17) finally get the courage to get my tattoo
18) help further the research to find a cure for autoimmune diseases
19) do an all American road trip
20) have a small farm and successful garden
21) buy a great amount of property
22) host Thanksgiving and Christmas
23) move to another state
24) build a successful career as a CRNA
25) visit the World Trade Center, Holocaust museum, golden gate bridge, DC
26) sip wine in Paris under the Eiffel Tower
27) plan my dream wedding/ have that "bridal" moment
28) have fur babies
29) see my mom retire and relax
30) see my nieces get married
31) have the healthiest, longest, blonde hair again!
32) build a wardrobe that suits me in the now
33) support my love in his own business and watch him be successful
34) see my brothers settle down and be happy
35) see this country become what it used to be
36) finally get my concealed back from Tallahassee and get the perfect gun
37) feel safe and successful
38) teach a nursing class
39) go scuba diving and not freak out
40) go on a cruise with my babe
41) take a vacation in a cabin in the mountains with a group
42) attempt to live off the grid
43) finally achieve my fitness goals and get a boob job (don't judge)
44) test drive a Tesla (because why not!)
45) see snow!
46) surf in Hawaii
47) attend a luau
48) vacation in a bungalow over the water
49) go camping on a beach
50) take a sister trip
These are not in any particular order and I'm sure there are a bunch I couldn't think of. But this is a start! I'm young and know there is so much to do and see! Some may never come true, some may change,  but they are all based on the excitement for life and the thirst to indulge in the luxuries God created! Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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