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One of Thirty-One: Be Still

The basis of life comes from scripture, may we not lose sight of our beginning-a tidbit from myself

Being raised in the South, Sunday was a day for early mornings, hymns, choir robes, communion, bible stories, donuts (yes, we all loved and still love those powdered sugar and jelly donuts!),and of course, the huge lunches that usually followed. We were raised to say amen and hallelujah, to always stand during song and keep our eyes closed during prayer. Even when we had no interest or idea what the preaching was about, we still knew when to be quiet. The older I get, I swear the feistier I become. I don't know where in the world it comes from, I've always had the southern sass down pat! And the punishments to prove it, not that they ever did any good, sorry mama!! With the world playing Pokemon Go! and society relying on a vote in November, I miss the days before smart phones and social media. I have decided that I will use August as a month to blog the biblical basics! In Sunday school, we always had to memorize a scripture for that next week. I'll tell ya now, I was not so good at this, mainly because I was more worried about those darn powdered donut holes! They get me every time! But in all seriousness, I am doing 31 days to focus on the basics that I was brought up on. I don't think you ever stop growing and learning to change negativity within yourself so I hope this project helps me with some things I am struggling with and maybe help someone else as well. 
 SO, whew! With all that said, it is after midnight so that makes it August first! Exactly one month until my birthday, it's the 3rd anniversary of my 25th birthday, y'all! As I itch towards my thirties (eeks!) I realize that there's never a time like the present to better myself. This bible study is going to be focused around being "quiet". I use quotations because this can interpreted differently to every individual and I am coming from my standpoint. According to the thesaurus, being quiet or still is the same as being peaceful, mute, or speechless. I don't know about you, but those are not one bit the same in my book! To be at peace would mean being content. Being mute is to have a disability and the inability to express one's self. To be speechless is to be stunned whether in excitement or tragedy. Since I am focusing on Christ, I'll turn to scripture to see His idea of what being quiet really means.

Ecclesiastes 3:7 says that there is a time to keep silent, and a time to speak. This is something I have always struggled with but even more so lately. In the south, women know what their household responsibilities are and more than likely, innately nurture everyone around them. They normally stay quiet unless spoken to or, the complete opposite, are sassy and loud making sure everyone knows they're there. Well, I have been the latter for quite sometime and lately, it's not so cute. I am really bad about the whole "time to be silent" part. Hey, I'm human and can admit it! So, how do I fix this? To me, it's a negative quality and I don't want to embarrass myself anymore than I already have in this life with putting my foot in my mouth! According to Paul, most people are bold when not face to face and silent when in confrontation, my interpretation of keyboard warriors or bullies. Something the current times relates to significantly. For me, I am bold all the dang time and I have absolutely no filter at times, most of the time. This isn't as cute as it was in the Full House times when Michelle ruled the roost and put everyone in their place. Now I'm 27, an adult to most, working toward a respectable medical career. Does that mean I shouldn't have a voice? Negative! It's just knowing when to say what should be said and when.
Colossians 4:6: Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. This is highly relatable for me; my mom does not like cursing, she doesn't do it and it offends her. A majority of the time, when I'm ill-tempered, I upset her. This has been something that bothers me in the after thought. The same with my beau, he will say something or announce a plan and I am quick to speak and judge usually without all the facts. I believe it has become my defense mechanism, I am so scared I won't be heard or considered that I make sure I say something in a "strike while the irons hot" kind of way. Not the best outcomes have happened and I would love to not continue on in that way. Instead, take a moment and consider the next question. I know when B reads this he'll be rolling his eyes and thinking that he's pointed this out countless times.Well babe, no time like the present.
I rant about all this and joke but in reality, lots of things can be said without thought that can hurt or worst, destroy someone or something. We see it in social media, in our relationships, in the moment hourly. Be still and wait, be quiet and think, be peaceful and content. I don't want to rush through life just saying the first thing that pops into my mind and go on my merry way being careless, I have but I don't want to anymore. The thought will come, God's timing is impeccable, and I trust the Lord has a plan for me. He's led me to these conclusions, I am not perfect and will NEVER be or claim to be but I will work on myself daily to be a better person. I leave you with this for your Monday, the heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicker pour out evil things, Proverbs 15:28. 


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