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Blonde and Kind of Lonely

Every love story is beautiful, but this one is my favorite

This will be final post about how B and me got to where we are. You may be thinking, who cares? So what they met when they were 16? Who cares if she made a huge decision and moved to be with him? Well, my answer is simple. I care, this is my blog, and I'll post what I want to! Lol, but in all seriousness, I believe in celebrating each part of your relationship and reflecting on how far you've come. Whether it be three, six, nine months, a year, 10 years or 25.
So, where I left off..Brad comes home telling me about this job on the road. He explains that he's going to leave for "about ten days", come home for "about five". I could tell he was super excited and really wanted it. Who was I to stand in his way? Honestly, I did not think this process was going to go as fast as it did. At the beginning of the week, he put in for the position and by Friday he was on the phone telling everyone about it and how excited he was to two short weeks. I told myself, we can totally do this! Sure, why not?! Truthfully, I was questioning whether I could do this. myself... for a while?
As painful as it was, the first few months came and went. I struggled with anxiety (which I didn't think I even could have) and extreme loneliness. Some trips were five days, some were 17, sometimes he was home for all of three and then he was home for what seemed like a month! The biggest bummer was giving up Brad's ticket to a country concert for Brantley Gilbert, he is my celeb hubby! However, my best friend from home came and rescued me so all was well and it made for a fun night! The worst part of being by myself wasn't sleeping alone, eating alone, changing my routine. It was facing myself and the walls I had built. Everyone makes examples of relationships and how they build walls from insecurities, and usually this applies mainly to romantic relationships. No one thinks about their personal relationships with themselves.
The way I worked through my personal battle was by gaining my confidence back. In past relationships, hindrances, and hardships had been hard on me, no more than they are on anyone else, but I have never really dealt with it. I just kept truckin' on! Figured that if I didn't let it bother me then I'd be all good. Would get stronger and not ever have to worry about it. This is so wrong, I can't even explain! I joined a different, more motivating gym after Brad left for a trip and became a gym rat! I made my diet, routine, and most of my lifestyle around working out. Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy thoughts. It worked! When I was upset or mad, I worked out. When I was frustrated and didn't know how to express myself, I drank water and ate a healthy snack. Things really started getting better, my motivation was myself and I had felt better than I ever had! Babe wasn't complaining about it either!
Look at that progress!
You see, when I was tough on me, I became a negative, needy person. It took a toll on our relationship. I had created a tunnel vision that was selfish with every attribute. We had fights and got stronger. The new change really helped in every facet of my life! With a new mindset came positivity, which I believe is contagious!

We started getting excited for my beau to come home instead of dreading his next trip! I still get butterflies to this day on that drive to the airport. I'm a giddy school girl in the cell phone lot! And those first kisses after a long trip, they are like that first weekend all over again. It has been six months since he took this job, in October is our two year anniversary and this year will bring so many more trials and milestones. We have goals separately and together, this is what makes us strong and keeps us working toward achieving them. I couldn't be prouder of my love, he saw opportunity and took it, he helped me through my hard times, and supported me. Your partner isn't just the guy you post on man crush Mondays to flaunt all over social media, he's your home. He points out your negative, he makes you madder than a wasp in a Coke can! But he stands there while you sort yourself out so you can be a better us. I could go on all day, I won't obviously. This is not the end of our story but of course, I'll keep you updated! Thank you for reading my blog and our story. Happy Friday Eve!!!



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