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Just Us Two

"Sometimes, home has a heartbeat"- Beau Taplin

I have talked about him, posted photos of him, and described him. Yet, no one really knows about him! This post is the first of a mini-series about my beau, our history and relationship, and the daily struggles no one sees. It takes a bit of courage to decide to write about your own relationship, it opens you up to criticism and judgement but I am confident that our strength can overcome all of it so here it goes!

Bradley and I met about 12 years ago, I was in high school and he was the "troublemaker" who had just moved to town by himself. He had that smirk that makes you weak in the knees, the drawl that make ya swoon, and that bad boy attitude that pulls ya in! I was no different than any other 16 year old girl raised in the South so of course, he made me turn to mush! My parents, however, just saw a boy moving in on their daughter so they did their best to keep a good distance between us. After being friends for a bit, we went our own ways and never ended up dating. We both have our reasons as to why we didn't, just FYI, mine is the right one! He was independent, hard-working, and lived without any rules; I was in high school, free-spirited, and not ready to be tamed.

Fast forward 11 years, Mr. Spearing pops up while I am out for my best friends bachelorette party. Feeling eyes from across the room and hearing a man's voice call my name, I look up to see a very bald Brad staring me down (he had that blonde gelled up hairstyle back in the day). It was highly unexpected and, at the time, unwelcome. Prior to this moment, that year I was diagnosed with type one diabetes, in nursing school full time while working nights at the hospital full time. I had no time for no boy, especially a blast from the past. After saying hi, we added each other on social media and went on about life. Although I am head over boots for this fool now, I am guilty of blowing him off on, not one, but two dates. On New Years day that following year, he invited me to lunch; I said sure but never followed through and shamelessly avoided his texts and call. I wasn't ready, God knew this, Bradley didn't and he was persistent.

After such, he and I both separately dated someone else, ending the relationships about 2 months apart. He commented on something social media, I ended up contacting him via Facebook messenger "just to chat". Initially, I had no intention of a message turning into a continuous conversation all night long til the next day and beyond. At the time, I was ending a chaotic, simple relationship and wasn't looking; I saw the message as a way of just saying hi, completely innocent. This has always been debated jokingly but my story is such and I'll stick to it! After talking via text for about two weeks constantly day and night, Bradley invites me to visit him on the other coast where he had moved for work. Knowing that I am the queen of backing out on plans, he changes it last minute and says he's coming to see me. I couldn't hide! By this time, feelings had definitely developed and I was scared; I had told myself that I would wait to date, didn't need anyone, and that I wanted to focus on myself. God had different plans!
First photo!
I have said that that first hug was it, I was caught hook, line, and sinker! The weekend was a whirlwind from start to finish. First nervous jitters, to a first kiss to a kiss goodbye that made me realize that my plan of being an independent bachelorette was abolished. The week after that first weekend couldn't go fast enough, we planned for me to come to the other coast immediately following work that Friday and I didn't leave until I absolutely had to that Monday, he told me I was it and we made it official. I drove him crazy asking him a million girly questions: how do you really know I am what you want? Are you sure? I am a hot mess must be as crazy as me and so forth. The next three months would fly quickly between meeting new friends and family, a road trip to Georgia to meet his closest and constant weekends of driving back and forth being late on Mondays and leaving early on Fridays. I couldn't get enough, he was my home.
One of our mud races!
In January of 2015, we moved to Orlando to start our next be continued...



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