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Putting the "Blonde" in Budgeted Blonde

Warning: this is the first of a many part post!

I recently I went from a boring brunette to a blonde bombshell! Prior to moving to Orlando, I went from salon blonde to a box brown to keep my hair low maintenance until I could find a stylist locally. After a year of babe asking when I'm going back to my blonde locks and me not-so-secretly missing it, I decided to start researching what it would take to get back to the color I loved! I went from blogs to YouTube, Instagram hair sensations and straight up old school internet research before gaining the confidence to doing it at home, by myself! Eek!!

I subscribe to Elle Bangs, an amazing stylist from Cali to learn about the biggest do's and don't's about bleaching at home. Some YouTubers are a little flaky so I had to weed out the crazies and learn who was a reliable source! After all this, about a week of convincing myself I could actually do this, and about a bottle of red zin, I was ready!!

I started with Clairol's bleach wash, I knew that the first time would end up with a brassy gross result so I braced myself and refused to take pictures. I also took Elle's advice and purchased Wella's T11 and T18 toners, 1:1 parts in a mixing cup and putting half back in the bottle for the next time I bleached. I was fully aware that this would be the first of a two part bleaching process which stressed me a tad. I have bra-strap length hair and even though it's thin, there's a lot of it! The cashier at Sally's overheard what I was planning and threw in a handful of argon mask conditioning treatments, thanks darlin'! They worked amazing!!

Things that I learned prior to starting:
  • DO NOT wash your hair morning of, I actually did mine the 3rd day after shampooing
  • DO NOT comb your hair excessively, this can trigger oils which prevents the bleach to stick
  • DO all the research until you are 100% comfortable, once bleach is applied it's applied! 
  • BE CONFIDENT in your decision! Bleach is pretty darn permanent but the result can be gorgeous!
  • ALWAYS have a glass of wine poured and ready for the stressful moments, the initial anxiety is quite overwhelming
To be continued...



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