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Introduction of the Budgeted Blonde

Welcome to my very first post on this new adventure! I thought I'd start by easing you into my chaotic life with a snazzy introduction! I'm a twenty-something living in Central Florida with my hunk working toward our goals one day at a time! I'm a blonde who loves the sunshine and a good tube of lipstick, in the pinks or reds preferably! I'm originally from a small town in South Florida so the hustle of this seemingly big town gets a little overwhelming sometimes, I tend to escape back home to unwind with my ridiculously adorable nieces! I am currently attending the university here for my career in the medical field, hoping to have my nursing license by next December( and not stopping there but that's another post). But just because I like to don scrubs doesn't mean I don't love to look like I'm going to my high school reunion! My intentions for this blog is to show how easy it is to look gorgeous on a budget, cook like Martha flippin Stewart, have a body like Jen Heward and still have energy to snuggle with my sweetheart! Those are some big shoes to fill and I'm looking forward to filling 'em! Hopefully, I'll keep y'all entertained!



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