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Get Your Glow On!

Happy Wine Wednesday!!

As I sip my red blend, I get excited knowing that soon it will be white wine season aka SUMMER!!! Wine spritzers, sunshine, being out on the water and longer days are ahead! With all that sunshine comes a little more maintenance to keep skin hydrated and looking amazing all the while preventing serious wrinkles! Whether we'd like to admit it or not, they'll show sooner or later! No thank ya ma'am! I decided to share with y'all a few of the products that I love thus far! Hoping they become permanent summer staples!

First off, I use a bb cream and foundation from e.l.f.. I blend two different shades since I have a yellow base to my skin and have gotten a little tan. I apply and use a blending bud, these bad boys are the bees knees! I love this brand! It is inexpensive, sold at Target, CVS and Walgreens! Good for this girl's budget!
I love these foundations since they have SPF built-in! They don't clog pores and don't leave a "cakey" look!

Next, my current go to for a summer glow is Jergen's Natural Glow body lotion. I use this daily, usually after a shower so I've exfoliated and it absorbs evenly. It doesn't leave an orangy look, no Jersey Shore girl here!! It also has a great fragrance, even the beau says so!
There are other products in this line I want to try, especially during not-so-sunny season!

For my bedtime prep, I decided to try a new brand of wipes for makeup removal from L'Oreal. These are soothing for the skin, I don't have sensitive skin but I like to keep up on maintenance so I don't have breakouts. I also broke down and finally got night cream. Yes, it made me feel old! But I must say, I absolutely love the results! I apply it about 5 minutes before I go to bed, I use the wipes and allow them to soothe my skin for a bit before I apply this as well. Also, if you're a Publix addict like me, they offer a coupon for both! Steal and deal!!

Summer cannot come fast enough, even though I'm sure I'll be a busy working girl! Summer just brings a sense of relaxation, this Florida girl has a love/hate relationship with the heat but I'll deal! Leave a comment if you decide to try any of these products!! I'll keep ya post on my results!

Pre-workout selfie showing no "cakey" look!

I get a little corny sometimes! LOL



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