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A Budgeted Update!

TGIF!! It's FriYAY and I'm super glad! I cannot wait to sleep in tomorrow! Is it sad that at this is something I look forward to now?! Those 5am mornings get old! It has been a busy two weeks, hence the lack of posts. But I am back now and ready to blog it up!!!

Tonight's wine of choice is one I tried on a whim about a week ago from Winn Dixie. My wine taste range from white to red but always on the drier side. A friend turned me on to red blends/ red zinfandel when I first started trying different wines. I have a few favorites but it's always nice to change it up! I love the label on this bottle!! Babe is into watching all the tattoo reality shows so it immediately caught my eye! Secretly, I really want a sleeve lol! Could you imagine?! Fun fact: I have no tattoos! Not a one! I was always too indecisive. One day though, I hope! This red is light and fruity, a little dry but someone who enjoys a smoother taste would love it! I really recommend trying different type of reds or whites, there are so many! Don't stick with the same old!! This one is moderately priced, this week it is on special with one of those fancy membership cards for $9.99. I paired it with Chipotle burrito bowl, ha! See how fancy!!
 In all seriousness, I love wine and not just for the relaxing effect; it bring people together! So, like I said, it's been a crazy couple weeks! Brad was home for a good amount of days so we did our normal couplely stuff and as usual, I worked! This assignment takes babe to Texas and Tennessee, after all that craziness starts the birthday celebrations!! I will be celebrating the 3rd anniversary of my 25th birthday, wink! Ha, aging isn't terrible. I'm actually enjoying it. Growing up bring a ton of changes and change is good sometimes.
Recently, I've lost and gained a few friends, realized the person I have become, and grown to love her. Not to go from wine to sappy, but as turn another page and journey toward thirty (ya like that, huh?) I have come to realize what an idiot I was in my early twenties. Literally, probably one of the dumbest! Ha, but I've lived and learned and become who I am so let's go! I'm actually looking forward to 30, ten years ago I would NOT have admitted that! But now, I've got my babe, started with a great company and look forward to finishing school and finishing in the position I dream about! People will change, it's inevitable. I don't like it, it is painful but it makes you stronger! This birthday will actually be a celebration!

So , apart of growing up involves big investments and adult choices. As terrifying as they are, ya gotta do 'em and with the right partner, you can accomplish so much! Currently, Brad and I are house shopping. You really get to know someone when you are searching for a home to buy together. Taking two people who have similar preferences but completely different ones at the same time and trying to find the perfect first home is difficult! Looking through Instagram and Pinterest (which only makes it worse!), you try to decide how you even want to start decorating! All these adult decisions! I'm looking forward to it all, we shall see!!
I hope everyone has a safe weekend! I am hoping to relax and tan!! It's been some week!!



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