The basis of life comes from scripture, may we not lose sight of our beginning-a tidbit from myself Being raised in the South, Sunday was a day for early mornings, hymns, choir robes, communion, bible stories, donuts (yes, we all loved and still love those powdered sugar and jelly donuts!),and of course, the huge lunches that usually followed. We were raised to say amen and hallelujah, to always stand during song and keep our eyes closed during prayer. Even when we had no interest or idea what the preaching was about, we still knew when to be quiet. The older I get, I swear the feistier I become. I don't know where in the world it comes from, I've always had the southern sass down pat! And the punishments to prove it, not that they ever did any good, sorry mama!! With the world playing Pokemon Go! and society relying on a vote in November, I miss the days before smart phones and social media. I have decided that I will use August as a month to blog the biblical basics! In S...
A 30-something Florida girl who decided to make a change & go for it!