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Showing posts from July, 2016

One of Thirty-One: Be Still

The basis of life comes from scripture, may we not lose sight of our beginning-a tidbit from myself Being raised in the South, Sunday was a day for early mornings, hymns, choir robes, communion, bible stories, donuts (yes, we all loved and still love those powdered sugar and jelly donuts!),and of course, the huge lunches that usually followed. We were raised to say amen and hallelujah, to always stand during song and keep our eyes closed during prayer. Even when we had no interest or idea what the preaching was about, we still knew when to be quiet. The older I get, I swear the feistier I become. I don't know where in the world it comes from, I've always had the southern sass down pat! And the punishments to prove it, not that they ever did any good, sorry mama!! With the world playing Pokemon Go! and society relying on a vote in November, I miss the days before smart phones and social media. I have decided that I will use August as a month to blog the biblical basics! In S

The Shame Game is Real!

I like reality shows as much as the next guy, but there has been one show in particular that I have avoided up until this point. Being involved in fitness, striving to live as healthy as possible with a terminal illness, and working in healthcare, I take every aspect of the body pretty dang seriously! It is so important for our generation to set a great example for those after us to be strong and empowered. That being my basis, I'm so sick of hearing about this "My Big Fat Fabulous Life" show on TLC. I have watched all of 1/4 of the show, that is about all I could tolerate. I've had friends tell me about the topics addressed in this show including the risk of pre-diabetes in the main character and how she doesn't take any of it seriously. Tonight I watched where Whitney was super offended when a comedian made a few fat jokes that weren't even made directly about her but to a crowd, well that's life girlfriend. Comedians make fun of skinny girls, black guys

The Bucket List: Bleached Version

After some thought, I have decided to do a bucket list post now and another in a year and see how things have changed. Praying that I remember to do another one in a year, I am curious to see how far I'll go and what will change or be accomplished! I love writing things down and scratching them off. It gives me a sense of satisfaction that I'm getting things done! I don't know about anyone else but I am the Queen of the Procrastinators! My beau seconds this, though I have gotten better, I'm still a work in progress. As we all are! So here goes! Lord, help me to remember them all, I'm quite ambitious with a long road ahead! 1) finish my nursing degree/get into a program (the lump these together because I feel that even though medical certifications and degrees are separated they are still working through the medical career) 2) get a job in the hospital as a floor nurse as a graduate nurse 3) work on the labor and delivery unit 4) work in the trauma/ED 5) ear

This Blonde Has Goals, How 'Bout You?

I didn't come this far to just come this far Finally, it is Friday! The holy grail of week days! Although I am working some extra shifts at the restaurant this weekend, I am looking forward to relaxing! I have been precepting at a family practice the last few days, I'll be there until next Friday and then I'll receive my first float assignment! I cannot wait, there are a variety of offices I could be sent to and I am eager to learn! The sky is the limit, I'm looking forward to floating to different specialties and learning from talented providers! This is my favorite part of the medical field, amazing physicians teaching their passions. Today was the first day was back in the saddle! It was like riding a bike, except for when I introduced myself as a server instead of an MA! ha! It was a memorable moment, one that I'll bring up later when telling people how I got to where I am. This fall I will take an online class that is needed to apply to the nursing program

Blonde Goes Neutral!

You may take my flash,but ya can't take my sass! As y'all know, I just started with Florida Hospital Medical Group as a float medical assistant in their Orlando area offices! As excited as I am to don scrubs, I'm not so thrilled about toning down my nails! I do love a good at-home mani!! Instead of pouting and pitching a fit, I decided to dedicate this to "clinical-approved" neutral mani choices so you can still be pretty and lady-like among the medical muck! As much as I can get down and dirty, I believe every Southern girl should keep her nails clean and polished! Granted, the medical field is a tough area where you're constantly washing and sanitizing your hands. But still, be the classy lady and keep those nails done! The two polishes that I chose to feature are both Essie brand, used with Sally's Hard As Nails for the base and Essie's Good To Go as a top coat. This is my routine and has been for quite some time! Gotta love doing mani's at

Blonde and Kind of Lonely

Every love story is beautiful, but this one is my favorite This will be final post about how B and me got to where we are. You may be thinking, who cares? So what they met when they were 16? Who cares if she made a huge decision and moved to be with him? Well, my answer is simple. I care, this is my blog, and I'll post what I want to! Lol, but in all seriousness, I believe in celebrating each part of your relationship and reflecting on how far you've come. Whether it be three, six, nine months, a year, 10 years or 25. So, where I left off..Brad comes home telling me about this job on the road. He explains that he's going to leave for "about ten days", come home for "about five". I could tell he was super excited and really wanted it. Who was I to stand in his way? Honestly, I did not think this process was going to go as fast as it did. At the beginning of the week, he put in for the position and by Friday he was on the phone telling everyone about

To Serve or Not To Serve?

On Monday I officially started my job with Florida Hospital and I couldn't be happier!! I have been applying with this mega giant since BEFORE we moved here! Needless to say, it was definitely worth the wait! However, the thought of attending an orientation is usually welcomed with a groan, this job was no different. A business casual dress code, early morning alarm clock, the scramble around the house to get ready, and of course, the lovely Orlando morning traffic made this night owl a stressed out early bird! Walking into the complex where this was all held, I had a mixture of emotions. Is this the company I hope to spend the rest of my medical career with? Was the start time actually 7:30 and I'm late? Am I dressed appropriately? You know me, most of my wardrobe consists of work out garb and working flannel. This all came to a screeching halt when I met my facilitators. After being welcomed and congratulated, I entered the room of 30 or so people and offered a catered brea

B&A Take O-Town!

And suddenly you know, it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings Continuing on... In December, Bradley got a phone call that would change our path. Prior to this, I had looked into moving over to the east coast and being with him full time. I would miss him terribly during the week (corny, I know) and I wanted a real relationship. Not just a part-time boyfriend! While at work, he told me he was being transferred to Orlando and asked if I was ready to join him, I was ecstatic and scared! I was born and raised in the same place, the fear of a new area especially somewhere as big as Orlando was the first thing that came to mind. Also, how on earth was I going to tell my mom! Christmas Eve with my family was trying, we knew we were moving, even my work was given notice but I couldn't bring myself to tell my family. Casually during an evening phone call, I told my mom and she was a little surprised but supportive. It went much better than I had anticipate

B&A Take O-Town!

And suddenly you know, it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings Continuing on... In December, Bradley got a phone call that would change our path. Prior to this, I had looked into moving over to the east coast and being with him full time. I would miss him terribly during the week (corny, I know) and I wanted a real relationship. Not just a part-time boyfriend! While at work, he told me he was being transferred to Orlando and asked if I was ready to join him, I was ecstatic and scared! I was born and raised in the same place, the fear of a new area especially somewhere as big as Orlando was the first thing that came to mind. Also, how on earth was I going to tell my mom! Christmas Eve with my family was trying, we knew we were moving, even my work was given notice but I couldn't bring myself to tell my family. Casually during an evening phone call, I told my mom and she was a little surprised but supportive. It went much better than I had anticipate

Just Us Two

"Sometimes, home has a heartbeat"- Beau Taplin I have talked about him, posted photos of him, and described him. Yet, no one really knows about him! This post is the first of a mini-series about my beau, our history and relationship, and the daily struggles no one sees. It takes a bit of courage to decide to write about your own relationship, it opens you up to criticism and judgement but I am confident that our strength can overcome all of it so here it goes! Bradley and I met about 12 years ago, I was in high school and he was the "troublemaker" who had just moved to town by himself. He had that smirk that makes you weak in the knees, the drawl that make ya swoon, and that bad boy attitude that pulls ya in! I was no different than any other 16 year old girl raised in the South so of course, he made me turn to mush! My parents, however, just saw a boy moving in on their daughter so they did their best to keep a good distance between us. After being friends for