**This post started the morning of Tuesday but due to a terrible morning and long night at work, is concluding on Wednesday!**
It's only Tuesday... I'm just sayin'!
Being a glutton for punishment, I decided to pick up a dinner shift last night and schedule an appointment across town during morning rush hour for this morning. I've officially lost my mind and feel like I need to duplicate myself, one for day and another for night! Ha! One can dream!
Even though I felt as if I needed an endless vat of coffee, I didn't want to appear as such so I mustered all of my energy and slapped some makeup on myself! I used the same palette as I did for the grey smokey eye, but using the pinks instead! I'm a little more obsessed with it than I am the greys but I'm a pink girl all the way!!
Happy Hump Day!
When I began writing this post, I was sitting at the airport in Orlando about to take a security test to obtain my badge. I had just acquired a job at a restaurant after security and had been waiting to start. Plans changed drastically after I met with the general manager, mind you the same one I interviewed with. Well, to save you all time and emotional exasperations, let's just say he was a tad rude and set in his ways. He saw a conflict in my availability which led to his sudden conclusion, after a month of interviewing, training, 40 minute one-way drives and more gas spent than I like to think about, that I was not a good fit for his restaurant.
Now, keep in mind, I am not a career server (there is nothing wrong with being such, I am just not one). I am in school to become a nurse and eventually a doctor. So, these jobs are to help provide in the meantime. As I walked out of the restaurant, not a clue how to even get back to my car from the terminals, I fought back heated tears. Unfortunately, I cry when I mad, which in turn makes me even madder. All I could think about was the waste in time driving, training, and waiting but also the money spent towards it all. I also couldn't get past the thought that I really didn't care about the actual job at hand, I just want to do something I love and have a passion for. I love working with people, learning about people and caring for them, hence the nursing major. I want to help people on their worst days and a similar way of doing so until I graduate or work in the health system again, is serving.
You see, I was overwhelmed at this rejection. Irritated that the manager was so nonchalant about the ordeal, especially knowing the time invested. But also, I was frustrated that I wasn't doing what I loved for a living yet and felt discouraged at how far away this all feels. Luckily, I have a fantastic support system who listened and made me feel a whole lot better about the situation. My mom is always just a phone call away, never has she not answered in 27 years. She is a rock for me, especially when babe is away. Even though my love was working, he let me vent and give me the advice that only comes from him. My friend Sam called out of concerned and listened to my ranting even after she just got off work. I honestly have the best people!
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My mama and I, when I was a budgeted brunette! |
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Evidently Sam and I tend to wear the same colors frequently ha! |
All this has become a learning experience, I can't be mad about someone else's decision and my opinion of the ignorance of it all. Instead, I'm going to continue with one job, start school in the Summer semester, and look for a possible on call or part time job in the medical field. I feel I will be at peace with that to hold me over until I have my degree. With that, I hope that I didn't bore you to tears with my rant. It has taken awhile for me to be able to turn a terrible situation to one that I can learn and take something from.
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