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Healthy Eats, Yummy Treats

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach!

In our house, I tend to cook the same ole dishes and sometimes it gets a little bland. My sweet man, bless his heart, will eat almost anything I make for him and being that he's really picky, that says alot!! As a blogger, I love to read cooking blogs!! Normally, I find them through Pinterest and my eyes are almost always bigger than my stomach! I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew, ha! The recipe that I am going to share is healthy but taste like it's a cheat!

The first recipe is a stuffed pepper recipe that I snagged from Skinnytaste! This blog has blown the lid off the blog world and has become a household name, quite successful!! Basically, Mrs.Gina takes recipes and puts a healthy twist on them without losing flavor! That's my kind of eats!

Turkey Stuffed Peppers:
  • Shopping list:
    • 1 lb lean ground turkey
    • 1 garlic, minced
    • 1/4 onion, minced
    • 1 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro or parsley
    • 1 tsp garlic powder
    • 1 tsp cumin powder
    • salt to taste
    • 3 large sweet red bell peppers, washed
    • 1 cup fat free chicken broth
    • 1/4 cup tomato sauce
    • 1 1/2 cups cooked rice
    • Olive oil spray
    • 1/4 cup reduced fat shredded cheddar cheese 

    • Directions:

      Heat oven to 400°. Spray a little olive oil spray in a medium size saute pan and heat on a medium flame. Add onion, garlic and cilantro to the pan. Saute about 2 minutes and add ground turkey. Season with salt and garlic powder, and cumin and brown meat for several minutes until meat is completely cooked through. Add 1/4 cup of tomato sauce and 1/2 cup of chicken broth, mix well and simmer on low for about 5 minutes. Combine cooked rice and meat together.
      Cut the bell peppers in half lengthwise, and remove all seeds. Place in a baking dish. Spoon the meat mixture into each pepper half and fill it with as much as you can. Place all stuffed pepper halves on the baking dish and pour the remainder of the chicken broth on the bottom of the pan. Cover tight with aluminum foil and bake for about 35 minutes. Top with shredded cheddar cheese and enjoy.

      The good part of this yumminess: 185 calories, only 20 grams of carbs (t1d friendly, yay!!), 2 grams of fat and loaded with protein at 21 grams!!


      My babe is not a fan of peppers so I make extra filling and he uses it with lettuce cups, similar to the PF Changs dish. Since he is picky about some things and I love everything, I tend to tweak recipes so he can enjoy them too!

      Hope you try these and tell me how much you enjoy them!!



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