"When asked if my cup is half-full or hall empty, my only response is that I am thankful I have a cup"
Thanksgiving weekend has sadly come and gone, but it sure was a slam packed one filled with lots of love and moments to reflect on how thankful I am! Bradley made it home just in time to be the victim of my overwhelming amount of food! He definitely didn't complain and was able to relax after a tough assignment. Usually, we either go up to Georgia and visit his family or down south to see my chaotic clan, however, with the new home and a busy schedule we decided to stay home and have our first Thanksgiving in our new home just us! It couldn't have been more perfect! We ate all the things we wanted, we were selfish and enjoyed every moment.
He dove right in! |
Can't have Thanksgiving without homemade pecan pie! |
After naps, seconds and thirds, desserts, and much needed R&R, we ventured out Friday with my best friend, her hubby, and little one to breakfast in Mt Dora. They had decided to boycott the holiday and come to see us and the new house before heading home! No matter how much time passes, it is like we haven't gone a day without each other. It was good to see her little guy and catch up! Shortly after, we headed to go visit friends in St. Augustine. Saturday we headed to downtown Mt Dora to attend Light Up Mount Dora with a sweet friend and her boyfriend, it was gorgeous! Even though my Gators lost yet again to stupid FSU, it was a great weekend! He flew out today for his last assignment of the year! I cannot wait for him to return and for our holiday vacation to Georgia!!!
St. Augustine with great friends! |
The sunset with this hunk! |
Breakfast with my bestie and his little guy |
It was a gorgeous day! |
We did start to decorate the house for the holidays, Brad puts up with my crazy holiday frenzy every year (Bless him!). I cannot wait to deck the house out in my silver winter theme!!!
Just getting started! |
Gotta have glitter! |
Brad picked the perfect snowflake topper! |
I am so thankful for the opportunities I have been given within the last year of my life. Brad and I have both accomplished many things both as a couple and individually. There is still one month left in this fabulous year and I have a couple more things I'd love to achieve before we kick off 2017! I am currently doing a real estate associate course online and hope to finish and take my state exam before our vacation to Georgia. I have decided to explore different career options, I also want to complete my bachelors degree starting this Spring, my major will either be business/health management. Lots to be thankful for and lots to look forward to! Never stop challenging yourself and improving your future! Hope everyone had a great break!! Cannot wait for Christmas!!!
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