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Just a Little Steam Punk

This update is way overdue but I haven't really been in the mood for blogging. I love to blog but I have to be in the creative mindset! Something like a writer's block, I guess.

This past weekend was a busy one but full of fun! We had a few visitors come and explore new places with us! On Friday, Brad's friend from West Palm came to see the house, while here we ventured out to Universal Studios. Bradley loves those rides, even though I could take it or leave it especially since working there, I am a good sport and go along for the fun. The guys would go ride and I hung back relaxing while they enjoyed. I am not a huge adrenaline junkie much anymore, I'm assuming this is a sign of growing up, lol!!

Since I have left the restaurant there, CityWalk has opened a steam punk themed restaurant called Toothsome Chocolate Emporium based around the idea of a dessert and chocolate! It was delicious! The theme is carried out well throughout the entirety of the venue, food was even themed with chocolate accents, and they had characters walking around portraying parts from the story they have based this restaurant around. They have two character, Jacques and Penelope who have created this story of a factory pumping out everything you can imagine made out of chocolate. It is a cute idea that was carried out very well! They have become well known for their huge desserts, we felt a little overwhelmed and didn't quite make it to dessert but vowed we would return just to try some at a later date! Our server did a great job with recommendations, which we both made our final decisions from, and also carried out the theme  very well!  Here are some of the yummy items we got:
 I chose Chicken Berny

Brad's Rib Eye Sandwich
The characters come to visit during your time there, which keeps guests engaged and continues the theme throughout your experience! The decor throughout is really neat as well!
Jacques and I

Of course, I made him pose. He's a good sport!
Overall, we are looking forward to turning and trying their desserts! I would highly recommend trying it out!

After a fun night out, Brad's good friend Jason came up to explore downtown Mount Dora and see where we've moved! It was good seeing him and look forward having more visitors in the new home! We definitely got to see how much more seating we need at the house, lol! We walked around and got homemade ice cream, saw sea planes taking off, and enjoyed the weather on Lake Dora. We really love the town we've moved to! The holiday events alone have me giddy as a kid again! Love the small town feeling!

Seems like a good place for a Sunday nap!

Couldn't resist a picture of this sweet church!
There is a train station in downtown that used to run down south to our hometown! It is pretty exciting to see things that correlate the two!

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, we are looking forward to enjoying it in the new home just us two! Brad is looking forward to the menu, I'm looking forward to enjoying each other's company, the May's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and starting a new tradition. Usually we drive home or go to Georgia but we decided with out hectic schedules, we would reserve that for Christmas. I couldn't be happier with the way this year has gone! Sure, it has been crazy, constantly changing and throwing curve balls but we have love most of every moment! Hope everyone enjoys their Turkey Day and gobbling til you start wobbling! Remember to give thanks to God for your blessings!



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