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Year 28: May the Adventures Continue

Celebrating my 28th birthday this week was the easiest, most relaxing birthday yet! Last weekend I ventured back to my ole stompin' grounds to visit my family and babe arrived just in time celebrate on the actual day! My work family gave me the day off, I was too afraid to ask since I literally just started but they are too sweet and suggested it! I had the kindest words left on voicemail, on my Instagram and "wall" on Facebook, and best texts sent from loved ones, your birthday definitely makes you feel loved! Being one more year closer to the usually dreaded 30th, I realized that I'm actually looking forward to being initiated into the "dirty thirty" club! The older I get, the more my tastes are refined, my goals are more defined, and I find quality people to spend my precious time with.
The beau decided he was going to play a little trick on me. If you know Brad and I individually and as a couple, you know we are one of a kind. We aren't the PDA-obsessed, oh-look-how-in-love-they-are type of couple the social media world loves to like. We are full of dry sarcasm, curse words, and Friday nights filled with old people plans on the couch and we absolutely love it that way! So onto my story, being absolutely excited about having my birthday off, I came home from work and settled into the study and homework groove to get it out of the way so my big day could be free and clear! Bradley comes in and lays next to me, studying is almost impossible around him but I've learned to tune him out most of the time, haha! He casually asked me, "how would you feel if you didn't get a birthday gift?". Now, I am a birthday fanatic! It is MY day, better than Thanksgiving or Christmas. You DO NOT mess with my day. As you can imagine, I was a tad peeved. All I could think was one word, seriously? I kept my cool and just said that I didn't want to be a burden. He tells me he got busy, kind of forgot, and would "attempt" to find something the day of. Unacceptable! But to avoid an unnecessary blow out and the possibility of ruining my day the night prior, I just shrugged and moved on. We hung out and before bed I just asked him if he finds birthdays to be annoying and a burden, he says no and as usual, my over-thinking runs rampant. I actually had a bad dream about my birthday being ruin, spoiled brat I know! My only request for my day were to sleep in (I wake up at 5am everyday as he saws logs) and to relax. I had no plans and really loved that idea! I wake up to him going outside, it was 8:30am, insert annoyed emoji here. What was he doing?! He comes back and says he was checking the weather, Hurricane Harry Potter was rolling in that morning. I ask him to go in the kitchen and turn on the coffee pot, I'm old school and set it up the night before to just be a button press away from morning magic. He argues, this birthday was not starting out well. Annoyed, I go into the kitchen to turn it. At this point, coffee was going to save his life and my day. Don't you rain on my parade, mister! I walk into the kitchen to this set-up. He really got me!
That little stinker!! He got me! I ran in the bedroom so excited! Yes, coffee is THAT important to me! He knew I really wanted one and would probably never buy it for myself. The rest of the day was spent at a new-to-us southern style, hole in the wall breakfast place and antiquing in Mount Dora. It was the perfect way to bring in my 28th year!

I cannot wait for what this year will bring! I'm currently loving my job, making more goals to better my career, and in school excited to gain more credentials in the nursing field! I just hope birthdays keep on getting better! I love the person I get to spend all my adventures with, my loved ones who support me, and a God who is watching me and helping me through all life's tests. Thank you to all of those who wished me the sweet birthday thoughts and birthday love!



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