Before coffee, I'm a hot mess. After coffee, I'm a wide awake hot mess. So that's that!
It's Saturday, which means a variety of things. For most working persons, it's' the beginning of the weekend, a day to tan and day drink. For some, it's a day to unwind with family. For others, a day for work. For me, it's another day to study and prepare for this test I have on Monday.
I am a bit gun shy since the last medical exam I took; I failed by one question and watched all I had worked hard for in 16 months, just 3 months shy of graduation, fall out from beneath me. If you have ever taken any type of medical certification exam, you know about those annoying, pain in the rump questions with two answers that could be correct. There's the one that is right but another that is MORE right. Shoot me now, I am the percent of individuals who always pick the yea-it-could-be-right-but-it's-not. Being really nervous about all this forced me to face my fears and gain confidence in the material. I've studied more in the last two weeks than I have in since nursing school. I want this too badly to be lax and let it pass me by.
I hate to admit this but I've gotten lazy with my education and moving forward in my career. Mainly, due to fear and making excuses. I'm happy to say that I've woken up with help from my amazing support system . I am making progress again, taking a bazillion practice tests, and gaining confidence in the material. I cannot wait to PASS and be able to start this new career! It's painful to see what my actions caused in those I love but instead of excessively apologizing, I am going to fix my crown and trudge on!
Lately, I haven't posted much about makeup and how to's, I'm more focused on this test! But, I will get back into it after I ace this on Monday! Short but sweet and to the point!
It's Saturday, which means a variety of things. For most working persons, it's' the beginning of the weekend, a day to tan and day drink. For some, it's a day to unwind with family. For others, a day for work. For me, it's another day to study and prepare for this test I have on Monday.
I am a bit gun shy since the last medical exam I took; I failed by one question and watched all I had worked hard for in 16 months, just 3 months shy of graduation, fall out from beneath me. If you have ever taken any type of medical certification exam, you know about those annoying, pain in the rump questions with two answers that could be correct. There's the one that is right but another that is MORE right. Shoot me now, I am the percent of individuals who always pick the yea-it-could-be-right-but-it's-not. Being really nervous about all this forced me to face my fears and gain confidence in the material. I've studied more in the last two weeks than I have in since nursing school. I want this too badly to be lax and let it pass me by.
I hate to admit this but I've gotten lazy with my education and moving forward in my career. Mainly, due to fear and making excuses. I'm happy to say that I've woken up with help from my amazing support system . I am making progress again, taking a bazillion practice tests, and gaining confidence in the material. I cannot wait to PASS and be able to start this new career! It's painful to see what my actions caused in those I love but instead of excessively apologizing, I am going to fix my crown and trudge on!
Lately, I haven't posted much about makeup and how to's, I'm more focused on this test! But, I will get back into it after I ace this on Monday! Short but sweet and to the point!
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