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Blew My Own Dang Mind!

Celebrate what you've accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed!
After two long weeks on studying, I officially passed my certification exam to become a registered medical assistant. This is the what I had to do before I could be hired on with the hospital system here. I cannot wait to get start with them! It is only up from here!! It was nice and refreshing to study for this exam. As odd as that seems, I love the medical field and I missed learning about new information that I haven't dealt with such as the financial aspect of medical offices, coding, and administrative policies. I couldn't help but wonder why they didn't have us study any of this in nursing school. Granted, most nurses are training for the hospital environment, I think it would help and give a little insight into insurance, medicare and other things that would help us answer patient questions. I am ready to get back to work in the medical field, not looking forward to the early mornings but I will get used to it again.
It has been a super lonely weekend, well actually 5 days; Brad left Thursday morning dark and early. I finally return to work tomorrow morning and I am looking forward to being around my peeps again. As most, if not all, of you know, Orlando was struck with a terrorist attack on Sunday morning. Not sure how well known it is, but my older brother is gay. He came out about 5 years ago, it was different but my family got through it and we are stronger because of it. It is tragic but I am blessed to only know of the victims. Another devastation that isn't as great as a terrorist attack was the shooting of one of Voice semifinalist. After her show, Christina Grimmie was signing autographs and a man walked up and shot her both in the head and the stomach. After being rushed to the hospital, she passed away shortly thereafter. I bring all this sadness up to point out how preventable this entire weekend bloodbath could have been. There is not a reason that any of it had to happen.

I am not big into politics, I believe what I believe strongly and with personal reasoning. I do not have to defend my person decisions, don't intend to, but I do dislike listening to those requiring other to justify their beliefs. Let your neighbor be! Evil exists in this world, just as love and equally do. Unfortunately, it is unavoidable. As angry as I get trying to understand why things happen, I can't and won't ever. I can only trust God that He has our country in mind and has a plan for it. Sad as it may be, tomorrow will come and people will continue on with their routines. This tragedy will change lives but the world will continue on. I just pray when we get lost in our hustle and bustle, we keep in mind that life is short and tomorrow is never a guarantee. We need to learn from each incident and grow together but unfortunately, history is repeating itself.

I hope everyone has a great week full of productivity and positivity! This week I'll be posting about hair tips for breakage, makeup tricks and today's manicure!


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