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Just Call Me Pancreatically Challenged!

Today was the big day! I got my insulin pump! This has been a total nerve racking thing for me, for almost 31 years I have been a pretty much carefree person. Today I struggled a little when I was with the trainer learning about my new sidechick. I've been joking about it lately, calling the pump my second boyfriend and various other humorous outlets to relieve my anxiety. This honestly really tough for me, and I almost think I wished I was diagnosed at a younger age.
Just the constant cycle of a diabetics mind
Lately, I have felt very irritable towards diabetes and the recent changes I have implemented in my own life. Yes, it will be good in the long run and life will be easier but at the same time it is a massive change. After having it for a few hours, I felt like a little bit of a freak but it is slowly becoming a new norm. I do like that I have complete control over my illness and can modify it if I need to.
What a pair these two!! The Dexcom G6 & t:slim X2

The little dia-sibling and I are getting a pretty bad ass tattoo next weekend to show our fight towards this invisible disease. I have hidden for quite awhile from it and even though I am slowly facing it, I still struggle through some moments. This disease is a disability and it is hard for most people who are not educated to see that I am not as healthy as I seem on the outside. We live in a very critical, judgmental society who wants everyone to be diverse in their perimeters, that's not life. I like the social media community of fellow type one's that I have recently discovered, one follower even got the pump the same day as I did!! We don't even live in the same country.

It has been over a month since I have had the Dexcom, two days with the pump. The mindset is struggling but bittersweet, I want to hate it and go back to daily injections and at the same time, continue with my pump. It is a battle that I'll have to fight for a bit, I don't acclimate to change well (no duh! LOL). I am lucky to have my support system and have been channeling my anxiety through educating people instead of criticizing myself.

Some of my stellar support system:
The man child 

Of course, my mama!! I was diagnosed on her birthday!

My Cass!! Provider of straight up logic & endless mimosas!

And my dia-sibling!
I have probably been a total pill recently, these poor folks! They keep me in check, grounded, and smack me out of my insanity. I am truly blessed!!!

The birthday commences Sunday and it looks like I am getting another hurricane for it! No surprise for this Virgo! We will be camping AKA disconnecting from society, going to my quiet place to regroup! Hopefully this storm will be forgiving for those in its path but of course prayers for those already effected and for my home state are always appreciated!! As a Floridian, there are the normal preparations...for a diabetic, there are even more! Insulin, new sets, refrigeration, low snacks, and that's just the start!

Source: NPR

 As I start my 31st trip around the sun, I am looking forward to making more achievable goals with my new lifestyle. Realistically, I did have a mini panic attack when I first realized I am officially "in my thirties", however now I am in a "BRING IT" mode! Bring new firsts and anniversaries of the past, bring new connections and maintaining oldies, bring positivity and self care. I am ready 31!!
My new pals!

My fave cake pulling out of a pre-birthday/post nap low!
Thanks mama!!

Celebrating my Gator win!!

Looking forward to another one this weekend!!

.xo the diabetic blonde


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