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Uncork the Bottle and Pour Me Another...

This time last week I was huddled up in bed with a bottle of red watching Friends through tear filled, red rimmed eyes and praying that 4:30am Monday June 5th didn't happen....

On Thursday, my little maniac of a fur baby was fine. Happy-go-lucky, driving me up the wall as per his usual. Michael and I took his sweet 9 year-old son Jaden to play video games and to watch a movie. We came home and crashed to waken up to a little sleepy puppy. Thinking Trigger stayed up all night inhaling a new, HUGE bone, we went on to the library. We spent the day with him in the pool, he seemed like his little rambunctious self again. Then Saturday came, he was a cuddler, which he has not been since he was about 2 months old.
What was wrong with my little one?

Thinking that his little tummy was upset from eating a massive bone in sitting, I spoke with my friends stepmom who is a vet. She reassured me that prilosec should help with the upset tummy and clear em right up. Then Saturday night, the vomiting started. My heart broke for this small baby who was dry heaving in the front yard. Debating the emergency vet, I knew it would be expensive and we just made the move back to Fort Myers. Michael and I decided it was best to wait it out. He would probably vomit up the bone and be good as new asap!

Sunday, he stayed in his kennel and we tried to coax him out until finally I'd had enough and we went into the emergency vet. The news came back that my sweet, innocent, undeserving baby had parvo. A fever of 105°, he didn't even care when they gave him fluid and medications via IV. I cried and prayed, Michael was a saving grace. Talking to the vet and being our advocate, I will be grateful for a lifetime.

The vet never said anything about death, death was the smell of the virus as we headed home. My sweet angel gazed at me as we drove home. Little did I know, he was saying his goodbye. We came home late Sunday night/Monday morning exhausted. I was to start a new job Monday. We woke up, smelling the scent of evil and hoping this hell would over soon. I was supposed to give him his antibiotics first thing. I opened the kennel and I touched his small, frail body knowing something wasn't right. I called for Michael who confirmed what I didn't even think was possible. Parvo had stolen my innocent fur baby.

This was a hard pill to swallow. I knew that parvo was contagious, little did I know that it will steal the life of a puppy under 6 months in a heartbeat. That last heartbeat that I wish so badly I was there for. Calling his vet in Mount Dora, they confirmed that he had no chance. That he was wouldn't have been able to survive. He had his vaccinations, he was just so teeny. This post is apart of my healing. In my opinion, p freearvo is the definition of evil. Attacking the sweet and innocent. Puppy cancer. This is a tough one for me, many times I've had to stop and have a little cry. But my boy was a good one, the cutest and I will, one day, have another Boykin. I honestly could not have gotten though this without my support system. Michael was my rock, my mom answered yet another hysterical phone call, my work completely understood. The hardest day will be a lesson one day, as for now I envision him playing fetch with God and being the happiest puppy. Parvo will never win in my life again.

Until we meet again my sweet boy...


posted from Bloggeroid


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