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Invest in Your Face

During my time as a medical assistant for FHMG (the empire of healthcare in the Central Florida area), I have met some VERY interesting characters. There's the funny patients who make you laugh, the sweet old couple who you can't help but ask how they've made it 60+ years, and the flawless glam gal who wear peep toe pump on the daily as you look disgustingly at your matchy scrub attire. But then there's that lady who you call from the waiting room and second glance at her birth date to make sure you have the right person, how does she look so young!?!

This lady was super sweet, donned simple makeup with a cute outfit and says she is 75, yeah and I'm 18! I ask her what her tips are on skincare and what she does to look so young, her advice, "invest in your face". She says she has always used the same cheap moisturizer and makeup remover/face wash, but she has always gotten up and "put on her face" every morning. She explained that she has always invested in her makeup, and not only did she feel beautiful most mornings, but she also had less winkles! Darlin' I'm in!!!

Ironically, while in Georgia for our vacation, I had the worse breakout ever!! I had changed my foundation as an experiment for my blog and I paid the ultimate price, looking like I had just hit puberty! I changed my makeup about a month before and had had the worst breakouts, even Brad suggested changes my face makeup. So, absolutely fed up, I chose to toss my budgeted ways and purchase a $40+ foundation. I decided to go with Urban Decay All-Nighter Foundation and a travel-size of their All-Nighter Makeup Setting Spray.

I tried this with an Ulta brand bronzer-highlighter palette since I wasn't too sure if the current E.l.f palette was also a culprit in the breakouts. At first, I shined bright as the star on the Christmas tree. Gotta love how much drug-store brand highlight you have to use in order to achieve the same result as a good brand!
Rainy day in GA provided good natural lighting

I adjusted some of the balance of blush-bronzer-highlighter combo and still love this change!! So glad I made the switch!! Still using drug-store brand eye palette and other products but I may jump ship soon! So the blonde won't be sp budgeted after all lol :)



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