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Oh For The Love of Social Media

This month has flown, heck, this year has flown! Time flies when you busy with life!

The hectic house buying experience is safely behind us, Brad is away on assignment, and I'm settling into a new routine. It is pretty entertaining to see how long it takes for habits from our last residence takes to die. Like reaching for the things in the kitchen that used to be above the stove, it sounds ridiculous but it has happened twice this weekend alone! We had some unexpected expenses occur during the first two weeks so decorating and new furnishings have taken a backseat which may be a good thing. I am a tad indecisive and this gives a bit more time to see where I think things should go and what will be best functionality wise.

This weekend, my family is in town and staying down by Disney. We are about 45 minutes from Disney now so it's an easy drive down for the day to visit. My sister's girls are 18 months and almost 5! Hard to believe that time has flown so quickly! My brother joined in since he recently moved up this way as well. My nephew is 10 (holy cow!!!!) and his little girl is 5, this truly blows my mind! Having the ability to spend time with them at Disney Springs (formerly Downtown Disney) is a privilege, it is so much better to be able to experience things with them. My mom is a backbone for me and it is nice to relax with her and my sister. My crazy brother in law always makes it worth the entertainment. I hope to head down today for some pool fun at the hotel before they hit Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween party.

Tonight I will have my brother and his two over for a fire, s'mores are the only thing on the menu and we are excited! My older brother and I haven't had many years to be able to catch up and get to know each other as adults. My siblings are pretty far apart in ages he's 36, my sister is 33 and my not so little brother is 23. Crazy! But life is keeping us growing together and making up for lost time so I'm taking advantage.
Moving onto something that has been on my mind lately and weighing heavily. In leui of recent events, social media has been on my nerves! Now I know I have expressed my not so sweet feelings towards Facebook and Instagram, and the older I get the more I wonder how long this ridiculousness will last. The memes that define how you should be treated, people be ever so easily offended, and the politics, oh Lord have mercy is it November yet? I do not care a teeny bit who you are voting for, nor do I want to read your arguments. But I do suggest posting quality articles about issues to educate others. That is the only political postings I have made. Recently though, my attention is drawn to posts that are evidently only new to me. Hometown girls who are now celebrities because they post their rump on Instagram or dressed in hardly nothing with a caption of "finding a respectful man". Have you fallen down and bonked your bleach little melon? You seriously want a man to respect you while you are showing millions of males internationally how you are hardly earning that much demanded respect? You have lost your little mind. These aren't girls who have record deals, rich family ties, or even have high school diplomas. These are teenage somethings posting and entertaining comments that are provocative and lack of any substance whatsoever. This world makes me fear for my Littles!
What sparked this post was a meme saying "all I want is a man who will dance with me to George Strait at 3am in the living room". Girlfriend, at 3am I will be sleeping like any other responsible adult and I suggest you do the same! This isn't reality and no where in the Bible does Jesus say that you should have this ridiculous standard. I want a respectful, hard working, God loving man who earns my truth and love every day and does not listen to the worldly input of today's society. Mind you, people only post want they want you to know. They don't post the petty fights or the ugly mornings, that is the part of a committed relationship no one sees but every one will experience. Relationships and dating have dwindled down to memes and ridiculous hashtags of supposed goals you should be setting for yourself.

Whew!! Sorry about the rant but dang! A sassy girl like myself can only keep things in for so long. Ladies, have some respect! Your future husband does not want to see your rump posted with a million "likes", he wants class and dignity along with responsibilities and success. That is all.. For now!

posted from Bloggeroid


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