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Hey There 2020!

Oh 2019, what a year! I have to admit, this year taught me a ton, left me speechless at times (I know, stunning right?!), and with some gains as well as losses! I learned how to love myself and see who I am alone, I have ended relationships that were overdue to be ended, and I became a stronger coach with Beachbody! I gained a booty thanks to my amazing workout program and learned how to eat properly! 2019 gave me the strength I needed to end a toxic relationship that was disguised as something much different. The year had it's ups and downs, as does every year, but this one in particular helped me learn what I like and where my future goals lie. I experienced things I thought I wanted and realized where I am heading is exactly where I need to be.

Now that that's over, reminiscing can be fun but I am ready for a new chapter! Oh 2020, do I have something planned for you! I am entering this year on a very different foot, starting today with organizing my goals and strategies. I am wanting to grow significantly this year with my Beachbody crew, with my fitness goals, and with my financial situation. In February, I will be taking a huge step by moving in with a girlfriend of mine. This is first time I will be living with a roommate that is not a significant other!!!  I am looking forward to it!
Speaking of goals, the best way to have them is keep them tangle and attainable as well as making yourself accountable to stay on track! Which is why I have listed them below! This way, I can look back in one year and see my growth with achieving them!

Goals of 2020 (in no particular order):
-Move out into the condo with my roomie!
-Kick ass on the TEAS entrance exam for nursing school
-Apply and (hopefully) get accepted into my desired nursing program
-Build a good amount of savings
-Travel to: NOLA, Nashville, and one place out of the country
-Celebrate my birthday in Nashville
-Go to a Florida Gator game
-Go to a New Orleans Saints game
-Finish Morning Meltdown 100, The Work, and Barre Blend
-Food prep!!! Portion control goals!!
-Workout as many days as I can!!
-Blog at least every two weeks!
-Keep my A1C under 7.0
-Take at least one day a week to myself for self-care, example: go out for drink alone, eat dinner alone, go to the beach or do something outdoors alone, mani/pedi.
-Less social media, put the phone down and experience life

That's a pretty good start if you ask me! I am looking forward to a healthy and happy 2020! I hope everyone has a good idea of their goals and what they want to achieve!!

xoxo..the diabetic blonde


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