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Dear Social Media...

I hate to tell you this, but we have a love/hate relationship. Yes, I have social media accounts and for some things, they're great!! I can see what my nieces and nephew are up to and keep up with my friends whom I don't get to see very often but it can also become something I've grown to hate. Many times I have heard friends say that social media ruined their relationships, people have been terminated from their jobs due to postings, it gives power to those who don't necessarily know how to use it. This being said, I have conjured up a list of 5 loves and 5 hates of social media, here goes it!

Loves (not in any sort of order):
1) It helps maintain connections:
I love that I can see what my family and far off friends are up to, heck I saw one of my besties got engaged today and without social media I wouldn't have seen it! My nieces doing ballets, my sister's newest obsessions, what my girlfriends did during the week. I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't want to keep up via an app on my phone. Time moves fast and I don't want to miss out on events if I can't be there physically.

2) It provides an outlet for small businesses:
I have personally found businesses that were local and far way via Facebook, Instagram, Etsy that made the best products! The best part of being able to contact the owner is having something made that is custom to what you want therefore being completely special anand priceless! It has given small businesses a voice that they didn't have but desperately needed in our society. I have good friends who have really succeeded thanks to business pages and advertising!

3) It allows you to meet people you wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to:
I was born and raised in what used to be a small town where you had to make sure you looked your best going to Eckerd (an old ass drug store that is now a CVS) because you were almost guaranteed to run into someone you knew. Now, I have more friends on my Instagram who are not local but amazing people, formed relationships and actually keep up like they live next door! Without the outlet that these sites provide, we would never meet or be able to love such great people.

4) It allows you to find products you'd never otherwise find:
This kind of goes with #2, recently the boyfriend found this contraption called a Chug Bud, basically a mini beer funnel. He found it through an ad during our vacation in December. Sure enough, he loved the dang thing! But we would not have found it had it not been through apps that advertise these types of things (obviously he likes alot of alcohol related things 🤷‍♀️). I found the wand he gifted me for christmas through Facebook ads. It works, even if it can be creepy from things you've googled.

5) It allows you to express yourself:
Of course I wait until the last one to provide the double edged sword. I love that I can post what's currently happening in my personal life, however this has bitten me on the foot in numerous occasions. I have posted about events or relationships that faded out and felt embarrassed from what I had captioned the post or who was in the post. But I am able to show my sweets family or post highlights in a life event such as my "dirty 30". I have announced jobs, when I was moving back home, and my current beau.

1) Bringing in love #5 for this one!
To continue on with the double edged sword, social media has bitten me hard in the ass. I have posted about personal things just to regret them later on. Or posted things will I have been a tad "wine flu-ed" to delete it later on. And of course, there's snapchat to record your most embarrassing moments and bring them as a reminder full force the morning after, don't judge we've all been there. Basically, what ever you post is out there for the world to see so just make sure it's something you want the world to know and remember about you!

2) It has been known to cause relationship problems...alot:
Whether its a significant other "liking" or commenting on another account of the opposite sex, finding out juicy information via posts, or just finding out that an ad opened a door to promiscuous thing, social media has been known to tear relationships apart. There are a lot of "rules" people have regarding these various accounts such as, if he likes her post they must be doing something or have feelings for the other when really they don't. Or if one comments innocently then it could be blown out of proportion. Final answer, anyone can see what you like or comment and I swear Facebook and Instagram make sure its found out.

3) It's flippin' addicting!
Oh goodness am I embarrassed when my screen time setting tells me how long I stared at my phone for. For example, tonight I would go on Pinterest looking for ideas on this post, ten minutes later I'm researching recipes and finding out why the heck I can't get rid of cellulite! I believe YouTube is the worst for this! They reel you in then you're lost for hours in your phone!!

4) It can cause people to believe "fake news":
Now I have my own believes but this has nothing to do with my personal views on politics, however it has been known that social media influences voters and citizens by letting posts of untrue things be posted all over. Anyone can post an article anything that's unreliable. Make sure the source you are getting your information from is reliable and credible. These are your beliefs that you live by, don't let them be altered by a keyboard warrior.

5) It gives people insecurities:
Posting the perfect picture with the perfect angle and lighting, that's what people tend to live for. The amount of likes and comments, the perfect look, the perfect couple. No one posts when they have bad head and morningbreath, or when they're fighting with their bestie or their beau. You only see the side of people that they want you to see. It can cause women to think they're hideous when they're just curvy gorgeous women. It will hide the blemishes of that perfect relationship and make you stunned when they break up quietly months later.

I have wanted to post this for a while and finally got the time and motivation to. I love and hate social media, I have morning breath and a crazy boyfriend. I stress about laundry and dinner, spend time with my framily and work my ass off. Sometimes it doesn't make it on social media posts, sometimes it does. But basically remember people aren't all they post about and when you tap post, it's gone!



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