Hello after a slight hiatus of blogging!
This holiday season treated us very nicely for our first Christmas together! We were all spoiled & enjoyed time off together. But as usual, all good thing must come to an end and reality is back in full force!
On Tuesday I started back to full time nursing schoo, it's been a rocky transition but for the best. In the first quarter (my school is 11 week quarters with two weeks of break in between), I have only one physical class and lab with two others online. Thankfully with this semi-light schedule I can still work full time at the dermatologist office. I was also working at a country club but it was not working out and I was getting overwhelmed already so I stepped down from that responsibility.
In the new year, I don't really have some huge goal or wanting something drastic. I really just want to get healthy and focus on accomplishing this goal. It has been 5 years in the making and I'm ready to achieve it! Today a few things were really pointed out to me, I am way too hard on myself. Say it be the way I was raised, what I've been through, or just a high standard I've set for myself but I learned a little tidbit today that made me clear a little fog out of my field of vision. I've been really disappointed with myself since failing the first time through nursing school. I expected way more of myself. I wanted to be the student who overcame odds and graduated with my fellow nursing school family. However, God chose to teach me a huge lesson and created His own plan. Touche God, well played! So, now after finishing my associates, I'm ready to finish! Graduate in March of 2019 and start the career I've been so eager for!
Something else I have decided to avoid is negative people, relationships and situations. Healthy body, healthy mind creates a healthy environment and successful goals! I was really burned in the past couple years by the people I that were closest. So, of course I have trust issues but I won't concentrate on those. I will let those people bear their own cross.
So this is really a post about where my mind is right about now. Beginning of the quarter, beginning of the year, beginning of nursing school. Let's crush this!

This holiday season treated us very nicely for our first Christmas together! We were all spoiled & enjoyed time off together. But as usual, all good thing must come to an end and reality is back in full force!
On Tuesday I started back to full time nursing schoo, it's been a rocky transition but for the best. In the first quarter (my school is 11 week quarters with two weeks of break in between), I have only one physical class and lab with two others online. Thankfully with this semi-light schedule I can still work full time at the dermatologist office. I was also working at a country club but it was not working out and I was getting overwhelmed already so I stepped down from that responsibility.
In the new year, I don't really have some huge goal or wanting something drastic. I really just want to get healthy and focus on accomplishing this goal. It has been 5 years in the making and I'm ready to achieve it! Today a few things were really pointed out to me, I am way too hard on myself. Say it be the way I was raised, what I've been through, or just a high standard I've set for myself but I learned a little tidbit today that made me clear a little fog out of my field of vision. I've been really disappointed with myself since failing the first time through nursing school. I expected way more of myself. I wanted to be the student who overcame odds and graduated with my fellow nursing school family. However, God chose to teach me a huge lesson and created His own plan. Touche God, well played! So, now after finishing my associates, I'm ready to finish! Graduate in March of 2019 and start the career I've been so eager for!
Something else I have decided to avoid is negative people, relationships and situations. Healthy body, healthy mind creates a healthy environment and successful goals! I was really burned in the past couple years by the people I that were closest. So, of course I have trust issues but I won't concentrate on those. I will let those people bear their own cross.
So this is really a post about where my mind is right about now. Beginning of the quarter, beginning of the year, beginning of nursing school. Let's crush this!
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