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Showing posts from 2018

Cheese & Rice

As promised, I am blogging more but this post is truly a vent post so prepare yourself. I am an type one insulin dependent diabetic, I need the crap to live. Well, recently I change insurance and I guess I didn't read all the fine print because a 90 day supply of the junk is...prepare yourself...$1000! Yep, you read that right! A grand to have insulin for 90 days! So obnoxious, with insurance! Oh and with a discount card it's just $901. My good Lord! So all this occurring tonight caused some lovely uninvited anxiety which then sent me back to where this all began. I am still angry as hell about the sequence of events and I would love to know what God was thinking when he gave me this plan. Now I know people have harder situations and whatnot but sometimes I just want to bitch about how I didn't accomplish my goal, how I'm still a little pissed when people make condensing remarks regarding my size and what I eat. It doesn't get easier, you don't get used to

Oops I Did it Again...

Happy Hump Day and thank the Lord this week is almost over!!! Work has been exciting yet overwhelming, I woke up today in disbelief that it was ONLY Wednesday. I'm absolutely loving my job, there have been some moments that have made it difficult, some painful, but all making it worth getting up every single day. I had my 90 day review today and it has inspired and motivated me for my future with the company. This all being said, that including enjoying my summer have attributed to the lack of posts, which then inspire this post. The single life has been treating me well, I've learned an awful lot by enjoying my time to be free and independent. It helps having a close girlfriend in the same boat as me, we've been having the best summer thus far. This is the first time I've really allowed myself to stay single. In my dating history, I have been in a relationship constantly and now I'm seeing what that does to a soul. Suppresses you and gives you a constant feel


Within the cast of 80 Day Obsession, there are a ton of inside jokes that make you feel like you are literally working out with a bunch of your closest friends. It has definitely helped motivate me to keep up the workouts and feels like they are supporting you personally. One of the inside jokes that I think is the best is their safe word "pineapples". Even though Autumn never allows them to quit, they will say it during a tough set. Well, lately I have really wanted to yell at the top of my lungs for all the world to hear, PINEAPPLES!!!! It has been a really tough month for me mentally but, like I mentioned in my most recent post, I am focusing on myself and my goals. The past two weeks though, I allowed myself to slack on diet and working out, it's hindered my progress but I think I needed just a moment to take a break. I have had some ups and downs mentally, struggling with not being exactly where I want to be and learning to take advice, taking it day by day. I t

The One Without a Title

It's been almost 6 months since I last posted and things have significantly changed... About 2 weeks ago, Michael and I decided to go our separate ways. A decision that is for the best and I wish him nothing but happiness. But, with any relationship, comes the lessons and growth of moving on. I could say so many negative things but that would only show bad character and prove nothing so I just pick up and grow. In my last post, I mentioned the upcoming 3-0 and how nervous I am about it. See, when I was in my early twenties I envisioned something completely different when I got to this point and I think the hardest part is accepting my current reality. It's not bad, just different than I thought it would be. So, instead of marriage and children, I'm focusing on independence and success. My current goal is to be completely happy and content with every aspect of my life, basically that cliche of falling in love with yourself. Of course, I still want romance and a family bu

To Each Their Own

So, I don't plan on actually posting this one to social media. This post is mainly just a self reflection and way to organize my thoughts. If it happens to help someone who stumbles upon it somehow, then that is faint and I'll leave it to that. I guess these thoughts came about within the last few weeks. I had been out of insulin since October and the symptoms of diabetes had really gotten to me. Losing weight, agitation,severe muscle weakness, basically having an utter meltdown. I didn't want to bother anyone with it so I made a doctors appointment & figured I'd suck it up until then. Well, this would have worked had the diabetes not made me a raging bitch. I feel so guilty looking back and knowing how I had been acting, definitely was not healthy or fair to those around me. I finally broke down to Michael and explained why I'd been such a crazy person. Bless his soul, he definitely deserved a medal! Now that I am out of the diabetes fog, I can see what a c

Year of transition

This is the year of...wait for it....brace yourselves...the big 3-0! Ironically, I'm actually looking forward to it. My twenties were documented well through social media, highlighted with Timehop reminding me of late nights and the best vacations of my life thus far. I'm really for change and to mature in my thirties, I have goals that I thought would have been achieved in my twenties but it's not my plan. Either way, I'm brace and ready for everything 30 had in store! Now, I know it will be quite some time before I actually turn 30 but here are a moments that are my favorite! I have so many goals that I hope to achieve in 2018. I want to become more independent, more self reliant. I want to be more positive and travel more. The list goes one, but for now, I want to learn from who I have been for the last 29 years and become a better, more successful me!

2018..Whatcha got?

Hello after a slight hiatus of blogging! This holiday season treated us very nicely for our first Christmas together! We were all spoiled & enjoyed time off together. But as usual, all good thing must come to an end and reality is back in full force! On Tuesday I started back to full time nursing schoo, it's been a rocky transition but for the best. In the first quarter (my school is 11 week quarters with two weeks of break in between), I have only one physical class and lab with two others online. Thankfully with this semi-light schedule I can still work full time at the dermatologist office. I was also working at a country club but it was not working out and I was getting overwhelmed already so I stepped down from that responsibility. In the new year, I don't really have some huge goal or wanting something drastic. I really just want to get healthy and focus on accomplishing this goal. It has been 5 years in the making and I'm ready to achieve it! Today a few th