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Top 10 in 2017!

I've decided to write down things that I have learned thus far in 2017! Here we go!

10. Don't feel obligated to keep up with the trends.

So many times I see something via social media and I am immediately unsure when it came in style. For example, bikinis with the most ridiculous tan lines and sayings like "cray cray" or SMH (shake my head). I have to thank the Urban Dictionary for that last one. Everyday there is something new to do or keep up with and for the majority of my twenties, I would be willing to break the bank just to up on it and in with the cool kids. These days I am not ashamed to say priorities have changed and I couldn't care less. I have learned what I like and what I am comfortable with, those things will stay. Stuff is just stuff, keep that in mind!

9. Shamelessly staying in on the weekends.

I don't have an issue with the occasional nights out, but our parents weren't lying when they said nothing good happens after midnight. I have no need to deal with drunk girls, vomit, DIU checks, and late night idiots on the road. I also like the idea of saving money, eating dinner with my family at home, and having that $9 bottle of wine all the myself (not the $9 glass). There will still be nights in my future where I'll go out painting the town red but they are definitely few and far between. I also don't mind going to bed before 11pm, or 9, ya know...whichever lol :)

8. Being okay with splurging on yourself.

I, more than most, know what it's like to be broke. Really broke! So, I have become more okay now than in the past with the occasional splurge. I'm not talking $100 spending trip, I'm thinking more along the lines of a cute shirt and accessory, a pricey bottle of wine I wouldn't normally choose, or going to lunch and cocktails with a loved one. It is alright and healthy for you to spend a little earned cash on yourself, it is a good thing! Just don't get carried away and break the bank!

7. Being okay with enjoy life's indulgences

The years 2015-2016, I was extremely tough on my body image. I would obsess over fit chicks on Instagram, stay up to date on the latest workout trends and diets. I was using fat burners, drinking protein shakes (which are absolutely horrible btw) and killing myself for a flat stomach. This was all overrated and I was not happy. I was looking to please someone else's image of myself. Well, once I got focused on what makes me happy, I realized that you only live once, I used to hate that phrase. But it has become a truth for me. Eat that dessert (within reason), have that bottle (yes, the whole bottle) of wine, enjoy a mimosa in the morning instead of coffee, eat the BBQ that you have been craving! If you want to workout, then go for it. But be the image that you want yourself to be, not what everyone else sees. You'll be happier, I guarantee it.

6. Shamelessly enjoy quiet alone time

This one is one I struggled with for awhile. I didn't like being alone and the quiet would terrify me until I dealt with what made me scared. Being able to hear my own thoughts is a blessing, I get to know myself a little bit more and the older I get, the more I like who I've become. It hasn't been easy and it was a tad painful but I did it and now I love just being alone. Not all the time, but at times. 
5. Taking advice, learn from others, but still form your own opinion

Especially in the last few months, I've had to make a few important, life changing decisions. I consulted the ones I respect in my life, listened to advise, but ultimately made my decisions on my own and not to please others. This was rather difficult for me since I used to make decisions to please others and would end up second guessing everything. This time, I went with my heart and my gut and I have never been happier! I drew from all the advice and made my decision based on that and my own. It was a growing point for me, that is for sure! If someone isn't happy with what I have chosen then they should feel comfortable enough to come to me and chat, otherwise, be happy that I'm happy!

4. Making a decision and not feeling as if you need to justify it

So this one goes with #3, with what I have gone through in my life, no one else knows what is in my heart. Prior to this past year, whenever I would be asked a question, whether it was to criticize me or not, I still put up a front and avoid the questions with a ton of justifications. I was sick of that life, so I chose to be confident with what I am doing in my life and went on with it. No one fronts, no more worrying about pleasing others. This life is mine to live, and by God, I will live it to fullest!

3. Put family first, no matter what

To me, family isn't just blood. In the past, I would put something or someone in front of my family and I ended up missing birthdays, events, and holidays. Never again will I allow myself to do this, so I have made them a priority. I won;t cut them out when they don't agree, I will educate them on why I chose to do what I've done and leave their ultimate judgement to them. I won't be angry at their decision, just love them regardless. I have wasted too much time on petty things and life is way too short for all of that! Putting time into my family so I have no regrets!

2. Realize you're never too old to get more education

If you've read my nursing school story or if I have told you in person, you know that I have been super gun shy to return to school. Now, I have chosen to return this fall and finally finish! I will be so excited to finish what I started 4 years ago. It has always weighed on my ego and I am looking forward to accomplishing my goals. No one should regret not getting an education. There are resources and programs that fit. If you want it bad enough, you'll make it work. 

1. That your past does not define you, but gives you motivation to strive

Well, if this year hasn't educated me about myself and others, I don't know what it did! I have gone through my fair share of heartaches and hindrances, for a long time I allowed these things to define me. But after anxiety attacks, stressing about pointless things, and causing trouble that didn't need to be had in the first place. After prayer and quiet time (see what I did there), I made the mental decision to not allowed it all to control me any longer. Best decision! You know, these decisions you make will show you they were the right ones when you feel relieved after the final choice.
This list is important to me! This year, I have grown personally and I am proud of myself! I look forward to the fall and enjoying the life I've made around me!



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