"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."- Leo Tolstoy Today I received news that made my head spin and spit fire! It was the opposite of what I was expecting and frustrating as all get out! I wanted things my way, done as soon as possible, and I did not want to wait. As I steamed, I realized that things could always be worse. It may not be in the way I wanted, but at least things are still progressing the way the good Lord intended. I interviewed with a medical mega-giant at the beginning of last month. I was told I had to take a certification in order to obtain the position but once I get the go ahead from the testing agency I was done and hired! Well, this was exciting but nerve racking news. In an instant, that day I failed the last nursing exam I ever took and all the emotions associated came flooding back. Could I actually pass? I haven't taken a test since, not one that actually mattered anyway. With a lot of angst and support from Brad, I started...
A 30-something Florida girl who decided to make a change & go for it!