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Showing posts from July, 2017

Onto the Next One

I have posted before about my career and what happened that curbed my journey in nursing school. It has taken a long time, alot of research, and a good amount of courage and support to get my heart and mind ready to return as a student. Thankfully, I have the best motivation and I know I can definitely do it now. The first half of this year handed me my pride and visions of where I swore I thought I'd be at this point in life. Perhaps that is why it has taken me so long to feel prepared to return and accomplish what I set out to do 5 years ago. I am looking forward to continuing on but I am really going to have to swallow my pride and go back to square one. I have been in the medical field for nearly 10 years, I have done the CNA thing in the hospital, I have seen babies born, held the hand of a mom-to-be who lost her baby, I have talked to someone who was delivered news of a terminal illness, I have seen a lot. This is the pride I'll need to "suck" up as soon as I

Thirty, flirty, and thriving

Written with a glass of vino in hand and Netflix on the TV. While looking for something to watch to pass the time until Michael gets off shift and I go into work tomorrow, I find 13 Going on 30. In less than 2 months, I'll be entering the last years of my 20s. When I pictured this time in my head about 10 years ago, it looked completely different. Now mind you, I have lived and learned more than most people that I know. I almost completed nursing school until the diagnosis of diabetes, I have had more unique family drama which has taught me a lot, I have had a variety of relationships which has taught me how to be appreciative for the current one that I am in. However, I did not realize that I would be where I am less than two months of my 29th birthday. So where should I be? This is the question that I have been asking myself for the last couple of months. Should I be a career head honcho? Should I be a mom with children? Should I be content? Only time will tell. However, I fe

Single Hard, Love Harder

Since being in a new relationship adventure, I get to learn about another person's heart. You get to be the stranger, the outsider to that person's whole history can be exciting and overwhelming. You hope and pray that you are there to stay and grow into their future. It's a scary, exciting, crazy, heart-pounding time in the "honeymoon" phase. Luckily for me, Michael is quite understanding to my past as I am to his. He has an amazing, intelligent 9 year old son, whom I have fallen equally for as I have his father. It's been a ride learning to be "dad's girlfriend" but we have fun and he teaches me more each day. The world from his point of view is new and nostalgic. Michael is an amazing father, as well as a beautiful person inside and out. I have known him for quite some time and he still makes me appreciate him everyday in his own way. He makes me want to be a better person and has already made me feel like I'm loved. One thing so sc