Thumper said it best when he said if you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all! Recently, someone who I used to consider a close friend got engaged. We had a falling out over 6 months ago and I honestly didn't think it would last this long without us talking but that's just how it has ended up. I truly believe in quality versus quantity when it comes to people in my life. I choose who I want to confide in very wisely, they have a look into your life and that is a very vulnerable area. When this girl and I were close, we talked about being in each other's weddings and going through adulthood together. Our significant others work for the same company so we knew we'd be lifers. Well, as life would have it we had a falling out and I didn't expect for life's events to unfold the way they have. Long story short, her SO offended me one night and since then we haven't spoken. It would honestly be an easy fix but I was truly upset about it so ...
A 30-something Florida girl who decided to make a change & go for it!