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Showing posts from June, 2016

Bored and Blonde

This will just be a quick little post while I have the thoughts. Writers tend to jot things down in the midst of chaos when inspiration hits them! Lately, I have been bored as bored can be! With Brad travel here or there, my big intimidating test here and gone, and just awaiting the final confirmation for this job, I don't really have much to do! I have been scouring Pinterest lately looking for a summer project to distract myself. I have discovered I'm driving my own self insane, poor babe is about to go mad with my antics! So it is about that time that I begin to get those creative juices flowing! A few ideas have come to mind, with help of my crafty loves! I actually bought a word search like I used to do during the summers just to preoccupy my endless boredom! I do believe I may dabble in making a summer wreath or decorations for our house! If you have any suggestions, they are greatly welcomed! The whole point of this post is to express how important it is to do your ow...

Boo You Humidity!

Life isn't perfect, but your hair sure can be! Until recently, I could not curl my hair for anything! I had tried and given up when I was younger. My hair is similar to alot of girls I know, pin straight, thin, and stubborn! My sister has curled my hair for every formal high school event, college graduation, and just for fun while playing dress up! She had given me a generic brand wand a couple years ago. I had high hopes which quickly deflated when I attempted to use this contraption! I threw it under the bathroom cabinet with the thought that one day I would get the courage to YouTube a video and teach myself. This never happened. Instead, someone curled my hair for New Years and taught me the basics. I was not motivated at all, until one night when we were headed to a birthday dinner. I was super curious and dying for the gorgeous curled locks that everyone was dawning! At first, I was excited, this turned into anxiety which then turned into victory when it was completed and a...

Blew My Own Dang Mind!

Celebrate what you've accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed! After two long weeks on studying, I officially passed my certification exam to become a registered medical assistant. This is the what I had to do before I could be hired on with the hospital system here. I cannot wait to get start with them! It is only up from here!! It was nice and refreshing to study for this exam. As odd as that seems, I love the medical field and I missed learning about new information that I haven't dealt with such as the financial aspect of medical offices, coding, and administrative policies. I couldn't help but wonder why they didn't have us study any of this in nursing school. Granted, most nurses are training for the hospital environment, I think it would help and give a little insight into insurance, medicare and other things that would help us answer patient questions. I am ready to get back to work in the medical field, not looking forward to th...

Caffienated and ready to go!

Before coffee, I'm a hot mess. After coffee, I'm a wide awake hot mess. So that's that! It's Saturday, which means a variety of things. For most working persons, it's' the beginning of the weekend, a day to tan and day drink. For some, it's a day to unwind with family. For others, a day for work. For me, it's another day to study and prepare for this test I have on Monday. I am a bit gun shy since the last medical exam I took; I failed by one question and watched all I had worked hard for in 16 months, just 3 months shy of graduation, fall out from beneath me. If you have ever taken any type of medical certification exam, you know about those annoying, pain in the rump questions with two answers that could be correct. There's the one that is right but another that is MORE right. Shoot me now, I am the percent of individuals who always pick the yea-it-could-be-right-but-it's-not. Being really nervous about all this forced me to face my fears a...