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Showing posts from January, 2017

South in your Mouth

This morning, like every Saturday morning, I get up with coffee-induced strength and make my sweetheart breakfast. He's a lover of pancakes and sausage but ever since we moved in together, I have been slowly expanding his palette. I probably have one of the pickiest men in the South! I think I've complained about this before, I'm sure some other ladies can agree! Well, our house has been quite a whirlwind and so this morning I wanted to make a hearty breakfast, with the cold front coming in, today definitely called for it! Bradley recently joined the Eustis Gun Club so he wanted to be up bright and early to get down there. The things I will do for this man! I tell ya! However, there is always time for a Saturday afternoon nap so I got up after morning snuggles and him obviously turning the heat on (let's face it, I wasn't getting up when it was 64° in the house, he's a smart man!). I decided to make homemade biscuits and sausage gravy! Now, I know most Sout

Invest in Your Face

During my time as a medical assistant for FHMG (the empire of healthcare in the Central Florida area), I have met some VERY interesting characters. There's the funny patients who make you laugh, the sweet old couple who you can't help but ask how they've made it 60+ years, and the flawless glam gal who wear peep toe pump on the daily as you look disgustingly at your matchy scrub attire. But then there's that lady who you call from the waiting room and second glance at her birth date to make sure you have the right person, how does she look so young!?! This lady was super sweet, donned simple makeup with a cute outfit and says she is 75, yeah and I'm 18! I ask her what her tips are on skincare and what she does to look so young, her advice, "invest in your face". She says she has always used the same cheap moisturizer and makeup remover/face wash, but she has always gotten up and "put on her face" every morning. She explained that she has always

There's Absolutely No Place Like Our Home

Happy 2017 to my peeps! What a year 2016 was, see earlier posts for deets! As with any new year, we are supposed to form resolutions to the coming 365 days. Well, this year I will NOT be participating in the festivies of joining/quitting an organization (cough,cough the gym) or making any new goals as my goals and gym membership with be rolling over from 2016. I will, however, keep my eye on that prize! Bradley and I just got home from our ten-day Georgia vacation, it was so much fun and we made some great memories! We also enjoyed each other, our friends and family, and relaxed! It was definitely needed but now we are ready to get back into the routine of our usual insanity! I will return to work tomorrow, starting with an interview at a office I hope to call home! Brad will tackle the ever-taunting mole rat that is attempting to ruin our lawn that he works so hard at keeping maintained! They are sworn enemies and I have a feeling this may end in a gun fight, literally! Either