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Showing posts from February, 2019

Dear Social Media...

I hate to tell you this, but we have a love/hate relationship. Yes, I have social media accounts and for some things, they're great!! I can see what my nieces and nephew are up to and keep up with my friends whom I don't get to see very often but it can also become something I've grown to hate. Many times I have heard friends say that social media ruined their relationships, people have been terminated from their jobs due to postings, it gives power to those who don't necessarily know how to use it. This being said, I have conjured up a list of 5 loves and 5 hates of social media, here goes it! Loves (not in any sort of order): 1) It helps maintain connections: I love that I can see what my family and far off friends are up to, heck I saw one of my besties got engaged today and without social media I wouldn't have seen it! My nieces doing ballets, my sister's newest obsessions, what my girlfriends did during the week. I'd be lying if I said that I would...